
The Critical Link Between Engagement and Wellness #911Day

I write this post on September 11th , which has become a day of reflection for many of us. This day has
become known as a “National Day of Service and Remembrance” — a day on which we celebrate our
strengths as a country and make an extra effort to connect with others and serve our communities

There is significant evidence of the correlation between community engagement and well-being. We
have collected some of these studies, articles and TED talks, and resources on the Passport for Good
website, and we welcome your feedback in finding more.

People who have strong social relationships, and feel connected to their communities and recognized by
their communities, are happier and healthier. It stands to reason that happier, healthier individuals are
more likely to meet their goals and challenges and less likely to engage in risky or disruptive behavior.
The Gallup organization, in a study released in 2014, surveyed more than 100,000 Americans about
various dimensions of happiness and found that U.S. adults who reported receiving recognition for
helping to improve their communities in the last year had an average “Well-Being Index” score of 70.0,
while those who hadn’t had an average of 58.5.

You don’t have to travel to leave your stamp on the world (and feel happier and healthier in the