Discover the Comprehensive Go-To Platform School Districts are Leveraging to Dramatically Increase and Measure Student Engagement
Without Enduring Lengthy Onboarding Times
or Burdensome Monthly Fees
In this demo, you will gain transformational insight on:
- How an all-inclusive, simple interface eliminates inconsistencies in data and renders real time feedback on program initiatives.
- Why students with equal access to out-of-classroom opportunities are improving academically, attending school more, and experiencing less symptoms of depression
- How achieving student engagement and whole child assessments objectives can be accomplished within just a few short weeks.
- Why having access to a complete picture of student engagement empowers administrators to better allocate resources…and win more grants and funding.
- How one-click exports of non-academic transcripts are effectively positioning students for college and career readiness.
Reserve Your Spot Today!
What Educators Are Saying
“As an educator, I value how Passport for Good helps support the mission of my school district to inspire students to “…exhibit strength of character and contribute positively to a global society.” It has offered our students and their families a way to record contributions and participation in activities and community service in a way that celebrates achievements and motivates goal setting. Students remain engaged due to the transparency of these cumulative records. They gain a sense of pride as they see their service hours grow, representing their willingness to give back to their communities selflessly. As a parent, I can see how this platform can potentially offer families a clear mode of communication between home and school to encourage community involvement that fosters a child’s interests, school engagement, and well-being.”
Claudia Rudnet
Mineola High School Teacher / Oyster Bay PTSA Co-President
“Passport for Good is a game changer by giving students a positive way to document their service experience and to reflect on the impact they are making. Its use will promote the value of learning outside the classroom and will provide schools with data they have never had before so that they can make a greater impact on our communities.”
Kaweeda G. Adams
Superintendent of Schools, City School District of Albany
“Passport For Good took our digital portfolio idea and turned it into a new, student-friendly component called the P.A.S.S. Module (Projects Activities and Skills). This new feature allows students to capture and showcase their projects and activities in a digital portfolio while identifying critical skills being utilized each day.”
Michael Siebert
Haverling High School Principal
“Passport for Good is aligned with our mission to develop a student body of citizens who are part of a bigger community. It provides schools with easy monitoring of service requirements, and new data to show the value and impact of student services, and to better address community need.”
Jody Monroe
Superintendent of Schools, Bethlehem Central
“Passport For Good has brought us out of the dark ages by providing students with a paperless way to capture their engagement. We are now measuring activity outside of the classroom that previously wasn’t measurable.”
Michael Klugman
Principal, Bethlehem Central School District